Investment Strategy and operational plan for an upcoming media fund

The client, a Saudi based media fund, was looking to establish a fund designed at the intersection of business and culture to promote Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as a global cultural hub for Arabic.

Problem Statement

We were engaged to design a complete investment strategy and an operational plan involving:

  • Market scoping and evaluation
  • Investment strategy development
  • Investment process mapping
  • Development of overall business and operational strategy
  • Financial Model and budgeting costs

Action Taken

  • Determined the market potential and build a ramp up plan
  • Designed the investment strategy including charting of potential partnerships
  • Designed the investment process which included activity planning, evaluation criteria, due diligence process to be undertaken, portfolio management approach and designing the exit option plan
  • Development of overall business strategy, team requirements, and financial commitments
  • Determined the expected returns on the investments and timelines for the same
  • Phasing of the fund requirement and key areas of expenses
  • Created a financial model and fund requirement schedule to help make a data-based financial decision


  • Our recommendation enabled the client to foresee the operational dynamics and the impact potential of the fund. It eased the fund launch and investment process operationalization.